What we do
King On Media does photography and videography services for clients depending on their needs. We also do online campaigns on different topics and commemorations.
Social & Digital Media Services
We manage social media platforms for our clients. We have competitive tailormade packages that suite the needs of every client based on the type of business they have.
Events Management
Offer event tailor made event management services which range from media engagements, business engagements and networking events to leisure events.
Public Relations
Our public relation services include media relations, public speaking preparations and speech writing. We also write and distribute press releases to media houses and offer media monitoring services.

Why we are different
King on Media provides the best services
offered by a superlative team of young
Batswana who have the capabilities and
qualities to elevate your company to the next
level. We are young and zealous; your one
stop shop for excellence.
Let's Start Something new
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Tell us how we can assist you by filling out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.